Prenatal Care is as important step during your pregnancy as it is after your baby is born. Your child birth preparations is the most wonderful experience during your pregnancy period. Many people take pregnancy as stress and kind of some ailment. They assume that in pregnancy you just have to rest for 9 months, staying at home just not doing anything and this is where all complications starts from, but being active will help you to face physical demands of labor, birth and new motherhood. So, just lift up your mood and make your pregnancy a beautiful journey.
Many people still are unaware of these type of tests specially those living in rural areas. These tests are conducted not only to know your fetus's health and development but also determines birth defects if any. If a couple has a family history of any serious medical condition they should necessarily conduct these tests because if your unborn is detected to have genetic abnormalities you will be psychologically prepared for an affected child or get a chance to abort.
Prenatal diagnosis can be of two types:
Prenatal diagnosis can be of two types:
(i) Non-Invasive method - in which examination of fetus is done from outside. Like in Ultrasonography that is done at your early pregnancy and trimesters. ultrasonography is done by an apparatus called transducer which sends ultrasonic waves to body while a monitor attached to the machine freezes image on screen of the developing embryo. The major internal organs are screened to determined, if any abnormal.The heart beat is seen by time embryo measures 5 mm, but sometimes may not be visible until the embryo reaches 7 mm around 7 weeks, if the heart beat is normal your child is detected to be normal. But, only subtle abnormalities are detected through ultrasonography.

(ii) Invasive method - in which probes or needles are inserted into placenta for collecting sample. Like in Amniocentesis and Chorionic villus sampling.
Amniocentesis- is a method in which amniotic fluid test (AFT) is done by collecting sample of amniotic fluid for analysis of your fetus's DNA . It is performed in 16 weeks to 18 weeks. These are safer but takes a lot of time for result, 2-3 weeks until result is available.It helps in diagnosis of genetic abnormalities if so present in fetus.

Chorionic villus sampling - it involves the withdrawal of small amount of developing placenta that is made up of chorionic villi, containing fetus cell like projections. This method is most commonly used to identify chromosomal problems such as Down's syndrome and genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, Tay-sachs and sickle cell disease.


Its a myth that pregnant women should not exercise or perform yoga. Actually they are also beneficial like your diet, it helps to breathe deeply and relax your mind. Prenatal yoga also lowers your chances of having pregnancy complications, pain ,stress levels and peevishness. But do not google and follow any exercise regime displayed on those pages without consulting your doctor. Every exercise is not suitable for everyone.Do walk at evening it will make you feel fresh.Prenatal care is essential for you both physically and emotionally. You can boost your chances of having a problem free pregnancy and a healthy baby

Remember, Kareena Kapoor how beautifully she handled her pregnancy not taking any sabbatical or disguising herself from media. That was so cool an inspirational for womens. Even my bestie Amrita who is expecting her first child, i met her recently and was so happy to see the way she is carrying her pregnancy, eating right, no nervousness, no anxiety. She looks more beautiful in her maternity phase and happy too... So, above all those prenatal care just be happy and enjoy your motherhood phase as much as you can. Make your pregnancy a beautiful moment.

(ii) Invasive method - in which probes or needles are inserted into placenta for collecting sample. Like in Amniocentesis and Chorionic villus sampling.
Amniocentesis- is a method in which amniotic fluid test (AFT) is done by collecting sample of amniotic fluid for analysis of your fetus's DNA . It is performed in 16 weeks to 18 weeks. These are safer but takes a lot of time for result, 2-3 weeks until result is available.It helps in diagnosis of genetic abnormalities if so present in fetus.

Chorionic villus sampling - it involves the withdrawal of small amount of developing placenta that is made up of chorionic villi, containing fetus cell like projections. This method is most commonly used to identify chromosomal problems such as Down's syndrome and genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, Tay-sachs and sickle cell disease.

- Having a healthy diet in pregnancy is essential for your healthy fetus growth. It is ideal to take pernatal vitamins in your diet containing folic acid, iron, iodine and calcium.
- Folic acid helps in prevention of neural tube defects which can affect your fetus's brain and spinal cord. It is recommended for a women to take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. Green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, citrus fruits etc have right amount of folic acid necessary for your body naturally.
- Calcium is also important for pregnant women. It helps in prevention of loosing mother's bone density as baby uses calcium for its own bone growth. A pregnant woman should drink approximately 10 cups (2.3 litres) of milk per day.
- Iodine Yoghurt, cheese, patatoes have iodine in them and they should be taken as it is crucial for a woman's healthy thyroid function during pregnancy. A deficiency in iodine causes stunted physical growth, deafness and severe mental disability, it can even lead to miscarriage.
- Iron helps in blood formation in both mother and baby and acts as carrier of oxygen in fetus.Foods like spinach, beans, dry fruits should be taken regularly
- In some cases, your doctor will prescribe you a certain type of prenatal vitamin supplements too.

Its a myth that pregnant women should not exercise or perform yoga. Actually they are also beneficial like your diet, it helps to breathe deeply and relax your mind. Prenatal yoga also lowers your chances of having pregnancy complications, pain ,stress levels and peevishness. But do not google and follow any exercise regime displayed on those pages without consulting your doctor. Every exercise is not suitable for everyone.Do walk at evening it will make you feel fresh.Prenatal care is essential for you both physically and emotionally. You can boost your chances of having a problem free pregnancy and a healthy baby

Remember, Kareena Kapoor how beautifully she handled her pregnancy not taking any sabbatical or disguising herself from media. That was so cool an inspirational for womens. Even my bestie Amrita who is expecting her first child, i met her recently and was so happy to see the way she is carrying her pregnancy, eating right, no nervousness, no anxiety. She looks more beautiful in her maternity phase and happy too... So, above all those prenatal care just be happy and enjoy your motherhood phase as much as you can. Make your pregnancy a beautiful moment.
All the best to Amrita
ReplyDeleteThank you sonal