Monday, 4 September 2017

HaPpY TeAcHeRs DaY

Teachers are the most brightest guiding star of our lives. They nurture us making us the fittest ones for survival. They are the first ones to recognize our talent and guide us in following  the path of our dreams. I know we don't meet frequently, but you are always in my memory for making me what i am today. 
The first thing that comes to one's mind after hearing the word "TEACHER" is scoldings, even i have hated you for it at that time but now i realized that why you scolded me for not doing my calculations correctly! because you knew one day i have to calculate and manage finances and budgets alone for my family, why you scolded me when i didn't do my science experiments properly! because you wanted to teach me that the best results is only obtained by following the right procedures and maintaining a decorum in life,why you scolded me when i didn't took part in activities! because you knew one day i will have to build my own social life, why you scolded me for not doing my physics topics correctly because you knew one day life will only be about logics, whys and hows, why you scolded me when i didn't read properly because you knew one day i had to write my own. 
The toughest part is that i had never ever got chance to Thank you all for molding me in the bestest form possible. So, i thought this is the best way to thank you all and express my feelings by what you all had taught me since childhood and that is "WORDS".



  1. Perfect ankita, you put words so honestly that it summarizes teachers role in ones lyf.

  2. Well written. Happy teacher's day!! 😊

  3. Teacher's day is the perfect occassion to remember our mentors who helped and guided us at every single step of life.
    It is very important for teachers to develop and inculcate human values which always used to have greater emphasis on earlier days.
    Today they are so many restrictions and pressure to teachers from Parents which erodes natural learnings of a kid which prepares kid to fight bigger battles of life.

  4. Keep on learning..keep on growing.. Happy teachers day



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